PG Wodehouse

The Girl on the Boat

First Published 1922

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PG Wodehouse The Girl on the Boat

IT was Sam Marlow's fate to fall in love with a girl on the R.M.S. Atlantic (New York to Southampton) who had ideals. She was looking for a man like Sir Galahad, and refused to be put off with any inferior substitute. A lucky accident on the first day of the voyage placed Sam for the moment in the Galahad class, but he could not stay the pace. He followed Billie Bennett "around," scheming, blundering, and hoping; so did the oarrot-faced young man, Bream Mortimer, Sam's rival. There was a somewhat hectic series of events at Windles, a country house in Hampshire, where Billie's ideals still block the way and Sam comes on in spite of everything. Then comes the moment when Billie It is a Wodehouse novel in every sense of the term.
